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The Key Benefits of Braces: What They Can and Can’t Do

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Discover the Benefits of Braces: So much more than Just improving your teeth and smile.

Amongst the benefits of braces are that they can also make subtle adjustments to your face and jaw, making it more symmetrical and bringing out the best in your features. Here's a rundown of some things braces can – and cannot do.

Will a brace change my nose?

Not directly, but braces can change the position of the jaw and the teeth, which can alter the angle between your lips and your nose. This can sometimes make your nose look very slightly different, but any changes should be minimal. It's nothing to worry about, though – our team of experts will ensure that any treatment you have works in harmony with your face shape and structure.

Can braces fix a lisp?

In some cases, yes. Wide spaces in teeth can cause lisps, and closing those gaps can help overcome speech impediments.

Will a brace change my face shape?

Braces can adjust your face but don't worry - you'll still look like you! Any changes will be very subtle. No one's face is perfectly symmetrical, and if you have an overbite or underbite, for instance, it can affect how your jaw sits – and the shape of your face. Once your teeth are corrected, you may find that your features and jawline are much more aligned.

Do braces give you bigger lips?

While it might be fashionable to have big lips at the moment, braces won't actually change their size of them – sorry! What they might do, however, is make your lips look slightly more prominent because of the change in teeth position. The top of your lip is connected to your upper gum via a small fold of tissue, so when your top teeth move backwards or forwards as your braces start to take effect, the lips will also move, potentially making them look fuller.

Will my speech be affected by a brace?

This is a question that people often ask us, but don't panic! While wearing fixed braces takes a bit of time to get used to, most people don't notice any difference in how they speak once they've adjusted to them. However, people with a speech impediment often find that this improves after having a brace, as teeth become better aligned and the mouth closes correctly.