How Much Do Braces Cost?

How Much Do Braces Cost?

Getting your teeth straightened and your smile perfected needn’t cost the earth – in fact, things have moved on so much over recent years that treatment is quicker and more cost-effective than it used to be.

We know that one solution is not going to fit everyone’s budget, so that’s why we’ve got lots of different options for you to choose from, as well as a variety of payment plans so you can organise your finances well in advance.

And while the end goal for each of our braces and retainers is the same, one might be better suited to you than the others. Read on to find out what kind of braces we offer – and how much they’re likely to cost.

Metal braces

Similar to traditional braces but with a modern twist, our braces use interactive brackets instead of elastic bands to help gently move your teeth into position, making this a cost-effective option suitable for almost everyone.

Clear braces

Like the idea of braces, but feel a bit self-conscious about the fixtures? Then this is a brilliant compromise. Here, we use cleverly designed high-tech wires and clear brackets to create a really discrete set of braces, for not much more than the regular kind.

Invisalign and Spark

The option that doesn’t look or feel like braces – but does the same job. These clear, plastic aligners are the perfect solution for people who don’t like the idea of a fixed brace, or for aesthetic reasons would like the flexibility to remove it from time to time (not for long, mind!). Wear them for at least 22 out of 24 hours a day for easy, no-nonsense results.

Invisalign Mild

This option is perfect for those who don’t need much work to correct their teeth. Our clear plastic aligners will gently adjust your teeth to make everything fit, and your smile just as you want it. Mind you, it’s only available if our team thinks it’s suitable for you.

Invisalign First

Perfect for children aged between six to ten, this treatment is designed to help develop your child’s jaw and arches to make room for existing teeth. It can help fix crowding, spaces and narrow dental arches, and is a great first step if you have worries about your little one’s teeth.


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